Friday, October 4, 2013

Protecting Our Wounds

Hi, Ladies. It is October. I still want to believe it is summer, but it isn't. It is fall, which always seems to me just a brief pause before winter hits.
Recently, Delton and I had a "just had to laugh" moment, which ended up in the Pastor's Pulpit he wrote for the Waynesboro Record Herald. I asked him if I could share it with you...Here it is, in his words....

Wounded Hands are Hard to Hold
by Delton Lehman

Is there anything more natural and easy than holding hands? A right hand and left hand seemed to be made to fit together, whether you are simply cupping them together or interlocking fingers they simply fit.
Except when they don't.
The other day my wife and I were in the van heading to a since forgotten destination, when, as is often our habit, we reached over to hold hands as we talked and drove. Now, I had recently taken a spill when trying to escape being tackled by one of my boys, leaving a patch of my palm in our yard. So, as our hands embraced I simply, almost unconsciously, adjusted our hold to protect my sore palm. My wife moved her hand back. I simply moved my hand again to a more pain free position. She moved her hand back. Finally I informed her of my reason for adjusting my hand - that I was trying to protect my hurt palm. To which she replied that she was trying to protect her sore finger!
This experience has become a clear picture to me of what happens in so many relationships. Have you ever found that what should be 'natural' - a dating relationship, planning a family vacation, or simply sharing with a friend the events of our day, can becomes awkward and frustrating! Why? Because we are all trying to protect a wound, often doing so unconsciously. It's not on our hands, but on our hearts. And many times our efforts to protect that wound causes pain for others, who in turn act in self protection, to which we respond....
A husband withdraws in fear of rejection, 'touching' his wife's fear of abandonment so she becomes nagging and clingy. He withdraws more...
A son lashes out in rebellion, feeling misunderstood and manipulated. Dad and mom, driven by a sense of failing as parents, counter with increased control. He rebels all the more...
A young woman, unsure of her worth, pushes herself for perfection and is infuriated by the slightest criticism, causing friends to become distant. Feeling more insecure, she pushes herself harder...
And so our crazy dance spins while we wonder why things seem so hard.
Wounded hands are hard to hold. Yet, there is one person with wounded hands that will not draw away from us in self-protection - Jesus Christ. He doesn't hide his wounded hands, rather extends them to us declaring that "by His wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5) Our sin has wounded Him greatly. But His love, displayed in His death and resurrection, is extended to cover our sin. When you find yourself completely and securely held in His hands, hiding gives way to transparency, self-consciousness to selflessness, a guarded spirit to a generous spirit.
Allow His wounded hands to heal you, so you can be free to extend your hand to others.
(charity again...) I see this playing out in ways in my life. In my insecurity, I can't imagine that people would want to take time out of their busy schedules to get together with, I fail to mention to my sister that I will be in her hometown for the day.  And I wound her. In my hurt, I pull endless cycle, unless we allow truth...healing...forgiveness to begin to direct our encounters. An endless cycle, unless we allow God to break it. 

We will be getting together at Charlene's home this coming Tuesday (October 8th) evening from 7-9 p.m. for our usual LIFT time. Laughter, hot drinks, and good fellowship! What fun! 

Two thoughts have been on my mind for this time together.

~ Did Delton's words stir anything in you? How have you seen this play out in your life? How have you found healing and health?

~There is a song I have been thinking about, Follow You Into the World by Leeland. Here are the lyrics. and here is the video. I know each of us has different passions, a heart for different ministries, different ways that we feel God calling us to meet the needs of the hurting. Let's take some time to share what is on our heart. Bring any brochures, newsletters, update letters, flyers, and let's take the opportunity to share with others the ministries/mission that God has placed on our heart or is calling us into. 

I look forward to getting together with you, and sharing life together. 


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