Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simply walking...

Have you ever walked into something, only to realize God was leading in ways you never could have imagined? Here is evidence of God's leading in the lives of you and I...

As women, we will be reading A Confident Heart over the next few months. The books are on their way. In preparation for receiving the books, I went online to the author's blog, Here's what I discovered.

Although Renee published her book last year, she waited until now to start an online bible study and interactive community of women gathering to study this book together. This study begins February 1st. Two days from today.

What does this mean? It means that as you and I as Lifegate Ladies study this book, we are entering into a community of other women doing the same study at the same time. We have the benefit of weekly emails from Renee. It means, to me, that God has something for you and I in this that only He can orchestrate.

The details from Renee Swope's website...

A Confident Heart Online Study
When: February 2013

What’s Needed: A copy of the book, a notebook, a Bible, and a ready-for-God- to-do-a-new-thing in you attitude!

What To Expect: I’ll send an email with our reading plan and assignments for the week each Monday, and then post here on my website/blog about the topic of the chapter 2-3 times that week. We’ll interact and share our thoughts together here, too. And I’ll have some guest posts, plus FREE video teaching segments, as well as music videos and more.

How to Sign Up: See that “Receive Email Updates” box in the sidebar? Please enter your email there and be sure to confirm your subscription.That way you will be notified when more details for my online study are available.

At Your Convenience: Because we’ll meet online, you can check in at your convenience any time of the day and week.

 Interested? Follow this link
I look forward to diving in to this study with you. If you are interested in a book and haven't talked to me, let me know. There is no cost!
Have a wonderful day today... and if you need a you go!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Seeing through God's eyes...

A beautiful reminder...follow this link to watch the video.

What do you see when you peer into the telescope? God's not finished with you yet.

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Confident Heart

Hi, Ladies. The previous post explained the heart of our women's ministry focus for this coming year. Along with our monthly Tuesday  nights together, I would like to make a book available for you to read over the next several months.
A Confident Heart, by Renee Swope, is about "How to stop doubting yourself and live in the security of God's promises". Something that caught my attention was the title to Chapter 4: "God promises hope for my future despite the pain of my past". Follow the link, check it out, and let me know if you would like a copy. I will be placing an order next Friday.
A Confident Heart has study questions at the end of each chapter. As we answer these questions, I pray that God will begin to reveal His love and His purposes to us.
So, text, call, fb...even talk to me in person! Just let me know you want a copy. I am excited about beginning this study with you.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

This year...

Welcome to Something*Sweet, a blog to communicate what is happening in the life of the women at Lifegate. I will share through this blog, but I hope you will share as well.

We met together several weeks ago at Charlene's house. Nine of us were there, and I shared a little bit of where we were headed this year in our times together. With a bit of fear and are my notes from that evening...

Something * Sweet
First, does anyone know why this year's theme is “something sweet”?

The story of Samson is found in the book of Judges. Samson was going to a town to meet a potential bride. On the way, a young lion attacked him. The spirit of the Lord came on him, and he easily killed the lion. After some time passed, Samson returned to that spot to see what had become of the lion. There in the carcass of the lion was a bee hive, and honey. Samson eats some honey, and goes on to form a riddle out what he had found:

Out of the eater came something to eat

And out of the strong came something sweet.

Out of death came life. Out of pain came health. Out of brokenness came something that delighted. Out of a life destroying act came “something sweet”.

I want to set this year aside to discover the “something sweet” that God wants to bring forth in each of our lives. Many of us...can I say all of us...have a past that includes pain, disappointment, regret, sin, neglect, abuse, difficult memories, and shame. There are four truths I believe God wants us to walk in during 2013:

Your past does not have to define you.
You don't have to walk in shame
God can redeem the story of your life
God has a beautiful purpose and plan for your life.

These thoughts are very personal to me, because they are truths that I am still seeking to believe for myself. This year has been birthed out of the journey God is taking me on...and I would love to have you come along on that journey.

Last year, I finally voiced to Delton something that I believed...God was done with me, I was finished, I was simply existing until death took me out of the picture. There was no purpose and plan for me.

As a 5 year old, I had been playing doctor with another child. He exposed himself to me before the “game” ended, but the seed of that experience formed me. I remember sitting in my second grade classroom feeling delighted with life when the memory of that experience returned, flooding me with intense shame.

That shame was my companion throughout my childhood and formative teen years years. I was broken...I was shameful...If anyone ever found out....

It wasn't until my early 20's that I told anyone about this. I had already realized, to some extent, that this childhood encounter was normal, something experienced by countless children. It was what I believed, what the enemy told me, about who I was as a result of this, that shattered my spirit, that separated me from the peace of God, that broke so many areas of my soul.

It was the layers of lies that led me to believe that God was finished with me, that I was irreparably broken. Once I spoke those words, God set me free from the belief, and is taking me on a journey where I deeply believe that my past does not have to define me, I don't have to walk in shame, God can redeem the story of my life, and God has a beautiful purpose and plan for my life.

There is still sorrow in my for the years I lost, wondering who I would be if the core part of me had not been shattered, walled off, closed down. This lies I believed about my worth based on this childhood experience not only brought me shame, it allowed me to walk into areas of sin that added to my shame. Layer upon layer of guilt and regret.

I read a quote recently: Faith requires that you trust God that He is at work in your life, even in the failures and hardships. I find it much easier to believe that God is at work in the difficulties thrown at me (loss of job, sick children, family trouble), but struggle to believe that God wants to work through the things I did, that God could love someone who experienced all I experienced...
My desire is to get to the point where I can believe with all my heart Philippians 1:6

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

We are being completed. The sculpture of our lives is still in the hands of the craftsman. We are still on the potter's wheel. And this potter, this craftsman, is the lover of our souls.

This year, this is the journey I hope to take with you. Will you walk with me as I walk with you?