Thursday, June 6, 2013

Failure to Thrive

Yikes. What a title to this post, and yet lately I have felt like that label described me and everything that I put my hand to. A clean house (failure). Time with God (failure). Eating well (failure). Updating this blog (failure). I have known that God is bigger than my actions, but when I stumble, when perfection eludes me....perhaps messages that I am most familiar with are most likely to begin playing in my mind in times like these.
I am done with A Confident Heart. Finished. Besides the fact that I lost it twice, I gleaned from it what I could, and am ready to move on. I believe there is a lot in that book that I still need to learn (re-read the above paragraph if you question that) but somehow I lost focus. For me to continue to post, to continue to be fed and pour that out in this blog, I needed to find another tool. Do you mind?
It is amazing how failure, hurt, mistakes, whatever it is, keep us from walking in what God wants for us. Even in me not knowing how to say...I am done with this book I chose!...I pulled away, kept silent, and put way too much time into feeling broken when there is a whole God-life to be lived. You, me, and those around us...He delights in us, and that delight moves us toward Him, moves us into the dance He has composed for each of us. It is through truth, though, not lies, that we enter into all He has for us. Through our true identity as daughters of the King. Beloved. Redeemed. Restored.
We are 6 months into 2013. What has this year been like for you? What have you learned? What has been restored? What has been broken? It is good for me to review these questions and to once again re-focus on the God who is calling me...even when I have trouble hearing His voice.
His word, His blessings, His promises assure us that we are loved, and the purposes and plans He has for us are still being completed. So, no more "failure to thrive" diagnosis, okay? No walking in self-prescribed labels. He said that in Him we live and move and have our being and that doesn't sound anything like failure to thrive!!