Hi, Ladies! Here are some thoughts from Rhoda as she has been reading and processing "A Confident Heart."
I have had these thoughts turning in my mind
for weeks... So at last I am putting them down to share with you...
I started out reading a chapter every week or
so of our book "A Confident Heart" in January but then...
well ... Here it is May and I am at Chapter 6! I find it is worth pressing on even at this slow rate.
Chapter 5... "Living Beyond the Shadow of My Doubts"
I found the the last paragraph on page 89 to capture my attention. I quote:
"When doubt washes over me, often it is
because something has happened to trigger my old
emotions and create thoughts in my mind that are similar to those
I had as a child. Sometimes that hurt little girl still has too much
say in my heart. If I listen to her, powerful yet immature emotions from my
past rise to the surface. But they are not truth in my life. The insecurities
from your past are not the truth in your life either. ...."I realize I have
been dealing with this very issue of past hurts that
my little girl wants to put as current truth. In
order to move beyond I found I needed to take
what Renee has said a step further.
In processing the
past the "little girl" needed to be heard,
validated and then have the Lord tell her the truth
in order to move on to healing. If we just "don't
listen to the little girl" we are just suppressing the hurt and it
will keep resurfacing. The Lord is so
gracious to help us look at our past and reveal what is truth so that we are able to move on
to live with "a confident
Now on to Chapter 6
where I will learn to "get my good enough from Jesus"!! And this is so timely
for me as well!
Learning to
enjoy the journey to wholeness!
~~~~Charity again....I have been thinking about A Confident Heart recently....thinking about it, yet not reading it. It is always hard for me to pick up a book once I haven't read it for a while...yet this is a book that contains a message I need. So, I am going to pick up the book again this week, scan the chapter titles, and choose one that catches my eye. Maybe I will do this again next week, too. So, if like me you have lost momentum in reading, don't worry. Just go at your own pace, do what works for you...and let me know what ministers to you through your reading.